
Hai , saya rindu Adam Ismail saya . Okay saya rasa blog ni penuh dengan nama dia , pasal dia . Awak tahu ? Saya rasa nak bagitahu satu dunia ohh , saya bahagia dengan awak . Kita selalu gaduh . Saya ingat lagi , masa tu ada kucing begaduh . bising . Lepastu awak cakap , tengok kucing tu , macam kita . hah . Pandai buat saya ketawa . Awak banyak ajar saya . Saya tak boleh terima oh diri saya dulu , entah apa apa . Ada ke pergi jumpa awak , saya main bubble balloon lepastu ada lolipop lagi . Uuuu segan lah cerita . hahahaa kenapa saya macam tu wak ? Saya pelik , masa tu jugak awak sayang saya . Awak layan je kehendak saya , belikan bubble balloon untuk saya , lolipop untuk saya . hahahahahahaha   banyak lagi kot entah apa apa lagi yang saya buat . padahal masa tu 16 tahun , patut lah awak cakap saya tak matang , saya taknampak diri saya . hah even now , maybe 10 years later i'll complaint about now . yeah saya dapat rasakan . tapi saya tahu awak sayang saya sama je dari dulu sekarang . Saya bukak facebook , saya baca notes. Saya rindu cerita budak jahat , budak baik . Hahaha semua tu kenangan . Btw , harini kan saya happy sangat . Terima kasih ye awak buat saya gembira :) Saya saaaaaaaayang awak !

Dear You ,

Please , please  Put your ego aside . I know how hurt you are . Me too . You miss me . So what are you waiting for . I am here . Guess what ? i miss you a lot . Don't make me like this . I am suffering . I am sick .   Since you're not here , the nights are gettin' strange . My heart , my lips , my tear dimmed eyes , a lonely soul within me cries , I miss you more than you would do . It was hard of being apart . I'm waiting for you , Adam .

It's not that bad

I'm done . hehehe . You text me first . I know you are still not in the mood , but it's better  than you just keep silent . I know you have tried hard to make me happy . I appreciate it . trust me , it's not just a word . it's real .

listen to my heart

Hmm i know you are doing the best you can . I don't know what to say but i do love you so much . iIknow you love me too . So there's no problem right ? Yesterday , you bought kinder buenos for me , thanks dear . The feeling i get now is unspoken ..... I'm tired . It's not tired loving you . But idk . I need rest , so leave me for a while . I miss you , and i know it same goes to you . But i think we should . this is what you want . I'll not text you . I'll let my phone off . Again just for a while . I'll not disturb you . I'll be back but after you chase me . Goodbye love . I'm sorry for acting like this . This is for my own good . I miss you so bad .

simple as that

should i stop writing about love ? no i will not . love is flowing in me . i know i should focus on my studies . i had answered my Biology and English paper , so tonight i am gonna face my Addmaths exercise and Physics . the next paper , i am gonna sit on Wednesday the day right after my Olahraga day . it must be a tiring day ey ? mom ,  sorry for not doing the best for this March Test .. i am not ready yet . little bit about my teeth i wanna share . from what can i see it's become ugly-er than before . and it's kinda weird . haha